Personal: Asthma and EFT Tapping

EFT Tapping reduced my asthma symptoms!

EFT tapping has reduced my asthma symptoms so much I can’t even begin to understand the miracle of it.  But, let me be clear, this is my experience only.  I’m not suggesting any kind of cure-all… just offering up my experience using tapping to reduce my asthma symptoms in the hopes that it may help someone else whose dealing with similar issues.

That said, here goes.

Last week, I decided to try EFT tapping for anxiety.  I’d been pretty tense, and my long-suffering husband was bearing the brunt of it.  Also, my asthma had been acting up continually for months, interrupting my sleep each night to the point I had to get up in the wee hours to use my inhaler so I could relax enough to go back to sleep. Which is completely counter-intuitive if you know anything about inhalers.  Albuterol (the primary medicine in a rescue inhaler) acts like a stimulant!  But, struggling to breathe was keeping me awake, so using the inhaler allowed me to breathe easier so I could go back to sleep.

But lack of sleep, generalized anxiety and the unhappy appearance of very itchy eczema patches on my arms, had all combined to make me a jumpy, irritable, often critical, mess.  And it had to stop.  For my poor husband, my coworkers and most importantly, for me.

In desperation, I turned to EFT tapping.EFT tapping diagram

I’d used EFT tapping in the past to successfully conquer my fear of flying and even had reduced the pain and swelling from a nasty bee sting.  I knew it worked.  But like a lot of things, it had fallen by the wayside and I’d not thought about it for a while.

Thankfully, I remembered it now.  I needed some serious help with stress and anxiety management.

I’d read about The Tapping Solution’s app (no affiliation) and decided to give it a try. I knew they offered guided tapping meditations on their website, and I figured that was what I needed.  Right away, I found their general anxiety tapping mediation on the app.  Following along through the tapping, listening to the prompts, I realized that a lot of my anxious, worried thoughts were centered around feeling like I was doing everything wrong.


When that first session was done (about 8 minutes later), I felt better.  Much calmer… peaceful, even!

And I wanted MORE.

Then I saw another tapping meditation on the app entitled “You are enough”.  Dang.  Just reading the title made me tear up. It was a little longer (16 minutes), but I had time and definitely the desire to feel better.

And it’s important to mention that I was having asthma issues at the time.  Although it was so normal for me, that I wasn’t thinking about it.  I just wanted to be able to relax.  I kept breathing shallow and deliberately, which is how I typically move through my worse asthma days.

But that “You Are Enough” tapping meditation hit hard – in the best way possible.

A couple of minutes into it, I was sobbing.  Tapping along with the prompts, images of so many times I’d felt “less than” or just plain wrong.  Images and phrases came to mind, tumbling one on top of the other.  And I kept tapping along, pausing only long enough to wipe my nose on my sleeve. (kinda gross, I know, but you do what you gotta do, and the sweatshirt went into the wash)

At the end, I was amazed at how calm I felt!  The wonderful, peaceful feeling enveloped me, and as I wiped my face and put my glasses back on, I heaved a big sigh.


Wait!  I can breathe??  Good thing I was sitting down because I almost fell over anyway.

Anyone with asthma knows how amazing clear lungs can be.  To say I was startled to find that it happened so suddenly, and without the inhaler, is a colossal understatement.  It was unbe-freaking-lievable!  EFT Tapping reduced my asthma symptoms to nearly zero, even though I wasn’t even trying to affect the asthma.  It worked on an asthma trigger I didn’t even know I had.

A cascade of thoughts and feelings followed…

Is my asthma tied to this feeling that I’m not enough?  Is that why all the allergy tests all came back negative… why the doctor couldn’t pin down a particular asthma trigger?  Wait – my asthma started with I was in my late 30’s… what was going on then?


That was the beginning of the end of my (first) marriage.  So many memories… so many emotions.  I’ll spare you all the gory details, but it was a very tumultuous 10-ish years.  And the asthma seemed like a random, irritating thing that just occurred for no particular reason.  And this was long before I started studying Energy as a healing modality, so I had no concept of my emotions having any effect on my body.

Asthma was just part of my life… something I had to deal with.  I carried my inhaler with me always.  Sometimes, I could go weeks without needing it, but other times, it became a daily necessity. Or nightly.

Fast forward 15 years.

Here I am.  A Reiki Master. Energy Clearer. Tarot Reader. A random, basic gal who is just trying to figure it all out, who knew tapping is a really powerful tool, but had not yet grasped just how freaking powerful it truly is.  Until now.

I’m in awe.


Dazed and amazed.

My asthma symptoms (heavy chest, wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath even while sitting down) are still virtually non-existent even five days later.  I helped move my son from one apartment to another, up and down stairs carrying boxes and furniture yesterday – and didn’t have to use my inhaler once.  Didn’t even think about it!  That’s HUGE.  I keep taking deep full breaths, just for the fun of it!

It works, People.  It works in ways you can’t even imagine.  That you didn’t even know was possible.  Even when you’re not trying… it works.

You just have to do it.

Using your own fingers.  In your own space.  In your own time.

You can pay for an app.  Or not.  It doesn’t have to cost a penny.  There are plenty of free tapping meditations online.  You just have to try.


It’s so powerful.

You deserve to feel better now.

I’ll be posting updates to let you know how this goes, long-term.  And believe me, I’ll be tapping every day, turning over emotional stones in an effort to uncover any other ways I can feel better.

Who knows??  Maybe this is my super-power!  You never know… maybe soon I’ll be leaping tall buildings flying in my invisible jet.  😉

Kinda feels possible… I’ll let you know.


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